Customer Testimonials

Mr D – Reigate

Thank you for your brilliant and efficient service once again! Have a great weekend.

Mr P – Redhill

Thanks for your help Jim! They say honesty is the best policy! It is. I will give your number to anyone of my friends that need a repair and I hope you get more work out of it! Kind regards brian.

Mrs C Berry – Crawley

We recently had Jim attend our premises from Jantech to repair our washing machine. I just wanted to feed back that he was extremely polite and helpful , arrived on time and was really pleasant . He carried out the work quickly and efficiently leaving not a trace of mess. I just wanted to pass on my thanks and feed back.
Thanks Jim !

Mr M – Merstham

I recently have the need to use Jantech to repair my washing machine and I have to say that the guy (Jim) was very professional, friendly,courteous and knowledgeable. he kept us well informed with every stage of the repair and he was punctual when he had to get parts for the machine. and most of all he got the machine done at reasonable price. As a Private Investigator I often reluctant to give review but I truly found Jantech to be a very reliable and professional so for your washing machine problem I’ll recommend that you try Jantech first.